Level 25 Alliance Guild, Argent Dawn. 240 members
Platek has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Shekatsu has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Døom has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Diaasq has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Kouka has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Tordrim has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Dziubdziub has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Maxria has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Meléth has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Whudgrean has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Avendre has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Teodorian has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Rägnarók has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Eulishe has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Odhwaszczacz has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Nasci has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Lussanull has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Szitsu has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Mäshia has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Celënwen has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Elidijen has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Burus has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Rúmcajs has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Michoslaw has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Kelartii has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)