Level 25 Alliance Guild, Argent Dawn. 240 members
Grenzor has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Mantteufel has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Alymare has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Metui has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Sydit has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Fanelia has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Ragnärök has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Kedlar has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Manteufel has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Joashi has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Erwena has joined Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Kezpr has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Vlatho has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Lennoks has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Grimroth has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Leeze has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Wodzino has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Shyenthe has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Bolék has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Pedrakhan has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Agrafka has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Vongraven has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Gethai has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Anteriana has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Larac has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)