Level 25 Alliance Guild, Argent Dawn. 240 members
Mkabewe has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Biotyna has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Iluzjonista has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Lenrel has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Yervii has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Angrell has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Kozozo has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Yarppi has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Vladex has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Phoetic has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Sawaii has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Michu has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Nayano has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Bramrik has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Tharill has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Lukaku has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Falai has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Terrifi has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Nafciarz has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Erynea has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Trajahh has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Askalice has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Tajga has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Ragnabros has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)
Belzeeboss has left Glory of the Fox (~5 years ago)