Level 25 Horde Guild, Darksorrow. 550 members
Lodar has left The Big Ones (~5 years ago)
Excito has left The Big Ones (~6 years ago)
Kaeldrini has left The Big Ones (~7 years ago)
Erichthonius has left The Big Ones (~8 years ago)
Bokk has left The Big Ones (~8 years ago)
Dizeaze has left The Big Ones (~8 years ago)
Miztaken has left The Big Ones (~8 years ago)
Mizztake has left The Big Ones (~8 years ago)
Ravelar has left The Big Ones (~8 years ago)
Stronkegutt has left The Big Ones (~8 years ago)
Zerrier has left The Big Ones (~8 years ago)
Nevaris has left The Big Ones (~8 years ago)
Gilgamesh has left The Big Ones (~8 years ago)
Naxxar has left The Big Ones (~8 years ago)
TobĂȘ has left The Big Ones (~8 years ago)
Donttank has left The Big Ones (~9 years ago)
Sivic has joined The Big Ones (~9 years ago)
Stabilemil has joined The Big Ones (~9 years ago)
Emilstabil has joined The Big Ones (~9 years ago)
Eimi has joined The Big Ones (~9 years ago)
Cilenze has left The Big Ones (~9 years ago)
Quy has left The Big Ones (~9 years ago)
Zefiras has left The Big Ones (~9 years ago)
Vhalea has left The Big Ones (~9 years ago)
Shado has left The Big Ones (~9 years ago)