Level 25 Horde Guild, Darksorrow. 384 members
Quqen has left The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Grimavel has left The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Gkomenios has left The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Kurdoc has left The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Exidess has left The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Ineedacow has left The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Maddogg has left The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Onanisten has left The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Tonsofdamage has left The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Horonkosto has left The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Quqen has joined The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Juleskumis has joined The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Gaiabo has joined The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Crusadercow has joined The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Pyyah has joined The Paradox (~6 years ago)
MalĂce has joined The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Kronjuvelen has joined The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Zloz has joined The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Thekingn has joined The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Kulmikas has joined The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Schtumpnn has joined The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Steffestek has joined The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Mallok has joined The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Spir has joined The Paradox (~6 years ago)
Yodamaster has joined The Paradox (~6 years ago)