Level 25 Alliance Guild, Doomhammer. 517 members
Warme has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Slàcker has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Killono has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Donkbunk has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Cristyl has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Shaadak has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Isugoi has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Umbraperforo has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Reius has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Hykairo has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Fut has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Mossinniori has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Olen has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Druiduded has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Aegyenn has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Scrall has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Stabbíé has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Velcro has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Kimalia has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Kitelyn has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Stormgurad has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Iri has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Illipants has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Bloodplunder has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Sinisthra has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)