Level 25 Alliance Guild, Doomhammer. 517 members
Hoorigan has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Pancranka has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Maxmekker has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Waxka has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Deathknights has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Hunteriah has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Qêên has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Linkzz has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Thanrós has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Roxei has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Psilocybic has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Llanberth has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Razéth has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Mashti has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Sinonsan has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Maladaar has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Fontas has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Mylok has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Luckhit has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Bluemyself has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Septembér has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Stealthcats has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Shérminator has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Horvin has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Unábrow has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)