Level 25 Horde Guild, Draenor. 57 members
Gurmeo has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Yommi has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Ayylmaó has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Uggh has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Kordrahn has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Nietzen has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Eárthbóund has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Wilimai has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Hikaryu has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Ómaha has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Bronck has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Lasteria has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Kexxet has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Mínmax has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Redfever has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Ruonis has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Superslimfit has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Nefrite has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Vyridia has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Indends has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Arcadea has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Syzras has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Rhasja has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Fav has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Deikoi has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)