Level 25 Alliance Guild, Nagrand. 561 members
Zuretomaat has left Friendship before Glory (~5 years ago)
Leemax has joined Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Cencibel has left Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Cencibel has joined Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Apachnas has left Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Apachnas has joined Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Megumin has joined Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Nachtmerrie has joined Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Eggert has joined Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Ekho has joined Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Eranial has joined Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Aryah has joined Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Hatsunemiku has joined Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Thysvel has joined Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
ArrogĂ nte has joined Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Dikovo has left Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Haedus has left Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Wisemaster has left Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Kallekrona has left Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Grinchqt has joined Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Nogo has joined Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)
Glarer has been promoted from rank 7 to rank 5 (~6 years ago)
Palinor has been promoted from rank 7 to rank 5 (~6 years ago)
Redemtion has been promoted from rank 7 to rank 5 (~6 years ago)
Drudiox has joined Friendship before Glory (~6 years ago)