Last updated 8 years ago.

Delights and Angers

achievements 980

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 304 members

Flantama has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Xyxz has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Statíus has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Blíss has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Skillze has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Meadowsong has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Thumblemoor has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Millhouseman has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Nezerious has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Kalevo has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Theoddtomato has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Woutana has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Gigioaca has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Animalize has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Amarants has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Taerì has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Resj has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Methusaleh has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Flustercluck has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Rékor has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Mercypink has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Piroguen has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Firefoxxy has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Shandari has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Atronom has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)