Last updated 8 years ago.

Delights and Angers

achievements 980

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 304 members

Seléniá has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Gemmil has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Fatmoth has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Lørys has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Critaim has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Gronkflakes has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Vifte has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Varubank has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Oollss has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Scarlyz has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Ðrágøn has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Ninjabird has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Jla has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Candika has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Ither has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Allioni has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Amzee has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Aestaeh has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Siniry has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Ayann has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Burningfury has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Strandalf has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Maifera has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Reiiha has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)

Guanhi has joined Delights and Angers (~8 years ago)