Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 2 members
Elviulini has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~6 years ago)
Síénna has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Firedudez has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Namek has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Zeanox has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Mángó has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Cláww has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Zoneless has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Amániac has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Quadrasoul has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Doggohunter has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Dodgydude has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Vitâmin has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Abadone has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Sanfowr has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Coldsteël has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Dáenérys has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Comic has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Siaren has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Thearrow has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Ellegorn has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 0 (~6 years ago)
Jonnéh has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Vada has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Shamowamo has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)
Shamandero has left Suit and Tie (~6 years ago)