Last updated 5 years ago.

The Àrt of Warfare

achievements 2695

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 420 members

Mythic: Black Rook Hold Guild Run

Defeat Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest in Black Rook Hold on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.


7 years ago

Mythic: Vault of the Wardens Guild Run

Defeat Cordana Felsong in Vault of the Wardens on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.


7 years ago

Mythic: Darkheart Thicket Guild Run

Defeat the Shade of Xavius in Darkheart Thicket on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.


7 years ago

Mythic: Maw of Souls Guild Run

Defeat Helya in Maw of Souls on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.


7 years ago

Mythic: Eye of Azshara Guild Run

Defeat the Wrath of Azshara in Eye of Azshara on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.


7 years ago

Mythic: Halls of Valor Guild Run

Defeat Odyn in Halls of Valor on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.


7 years ago

Call of Duty

Win a rated battleground while in a guild group.


8 years ago

Goliaths of Gorgrond Guild Run

Defeat Tarlna the Ageless and Drov the Ruiner in Gorgrond while in a guild group.


8 years ago

Heroic: Garrosh Hellscream Guild Run

Defeat Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.


8 years ago

The Daily Grind

Complete 75,000 daily quests.


8 years ago

We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

Catch 25,000 fish from fishing pools.


8 years ago

Raid Challenges

Complete 50 guild raid challenges.


8 years ago

Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings - Guild Edition

Owner of Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings.


8 years ago

The Ultimate Collection

Obtain all of the legendary items listed below.


8 years ago

Heroic: End Time Guild Run

Defeat Murozond in End Time on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.


8 years ago