Last updated 5 years ago.

The Àrt of Warfare

achievements 2695

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 420 members

Call of the Crusade - Guild Edition

Defeat Anub'arak in the Trial of the Crusader on Heroic mode while in a guild group.


9 years ago

You Don't Have an Eternity - Guild Edition

Defeat Malygos in 3 minutes or less while in a guild group.


9 years ago

Nalak Guild Run

Defeat Nalak, the Storm Lord, on the Isle of Thunder while in a raid with at least 8 guild members.


9 years ago

Fangs of the Father - Guild Edition

Wielder of the Fangs of the Father.


9 years ago

Heroic: Halls of Stone Guild Run

Defeat The Tribunal of Ages the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.


9 years ago

Guild Northrend Dungeon Hero

Complete the heroic Northrend dungeon achievements listed below while in a guild group.


9 years ago

Now That's an Achievement

Earn 2000 guild achievement points.


9 years ago

Heroic: Trial of the Champion Guild Run

Defeat The Black Knight in the Trial of the Champion on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.


9 years ago

Heroic: The Halls of Reflection Guild Run

Survive the encounter with the Lich King on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.


9 years ago

Heroic: The Pit of Saron Guild Run

Defeat Scourgelord Tyrannus and Rimefang in The Pit of Saron on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.


9 years ago

Just Can't Get Enough - Guild Edition

Defeat Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas while killing at least 18 abominations in his chamber while in a guild group.


9 years ago

Guild Vault

Purchase all 8 guild bank tabs.


9 years ago

Classy Dwarves

Reach level 85 on each of the Dwarven classes listed below.


9 years ago

Stay Classy

Complete the classy achievements listed below.


9 years ago

Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest - Guild Edition

Owner of Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest.


9 years ago