Last updated 6 years ago.

The Dark Legion

achievements 1920

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 559 members

Latherean has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Renasqt has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Smurrbringer has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Marayia has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Mcdorth has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Shikinji has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Wilfert has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Houwse has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Soltpanda has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Rondane has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Barreljutsu has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Jawns has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Periergeia has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Thearcane has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Alöy has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Grinbed has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Plagona has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Foutsa has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Lockjon has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Droga has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Heleris has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Arandomdk has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Xion has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Trisorion has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Tantrun has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)