Last updated 6 years ago.

The Dark Legion

achievements 1920

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 559 members

Warwise has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Lunámoon has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Martiiniix has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Maccpriest has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Crazedwar has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Agras has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Bubullina has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Aitheras has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Bowjjobs has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Gisimili has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Polymnia has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Maeldo has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Kodel has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Shozen has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Masshypnosis has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Vello has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Cassander has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Ziwyna has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Abdoheal has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Yioji has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Soiran has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Diocles has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Allexandra has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Elafi has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Vaghelis has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)