Last updated 6 years ago.

The Dark Legion

achievements 1920

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 559 members

Hámmi has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Mirerien has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Iwfymtn has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Chimaek has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Stoppy has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Thaka has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Pancerax has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Dookman has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Iwillgripu has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Antilop has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Xinda has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Aandiih has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Mariin has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Clarei has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Eiric has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Karnothia has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Bushbandít has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Glandri has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Taraelor has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Warlick has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Khantós has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Gerk has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Bearstanceop has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Conolly has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Vánagandar has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)