Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 449 members
Elitarista has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Tsoglainios has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Netaros has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Sathias has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Leshrekt has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Zantya has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Aarthi has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Zongxiam has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Whiteink has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Pién has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Eamadion has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Manaphi has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Croman has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Rumbleshaft has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Brewsski has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Marrion has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Akhirra has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Åsæ has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Feralol has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Kornealia has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Avísion has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Gunpri has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Telaran has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Lîrel has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Arjunis has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)