Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 449 members
Skitfulfan has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Ingelbert has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Moonpheus has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Kílz has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Cephi has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Swaaydk has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Tâlivaldis has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Ashwinone has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Theroyalt has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Scityp has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Thekickàss has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Thehitmen has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Amnestee has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Nikolasyz has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Cocoshanel has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Thekickass has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Thehitgirl has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Jonoc has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Tenx has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Yvey has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Entropis has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Fasialover has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Theroyal has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Babbidybib has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Chuggernuttz has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)