Level 25 Alliance Guild, Terokkar. 460 members
Locktra has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Holyvolk has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Hotwingsauce has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Lightaker has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Trushot has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Hotwíngz has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Deathsniper has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Healgodess has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Morgy has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Sartheria has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Mujina has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Haestan has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Sámmi has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Kiekindekök has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Dksteven has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Xtania has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Thejustifier has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Socialism has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Liftlift has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Rohnidas has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Bálin has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Itori has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Mórgy has left The Mob (~6 years ago)