Level 25 Alliance Guild, Terokkar. 460 members
Tomoë has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Merygold has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Anthae has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Callmenutnut has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Niju has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Viru has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Sijia has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Bossassbish has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Astraalyn has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Adrienne has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Princie has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Zelandonii has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Demenlock has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Flurtyswe has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Alcohealic has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Furrymonk has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Remag has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Furypally has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Heuyaheuya has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Newtron has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Mintie has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Miramarion has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Bobgert has left The Mob (~6 years ago)