Level 25 Alliance Guild, Terokkar. 460 members
Sostrovex has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Alexandrova has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Hydroshunter has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Grizen has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Niaa has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Volkarn has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Püssywüssy has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Pixxels has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Chaylia has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Minict has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Velyna has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Smíter has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Killim has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Berion has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Solidste has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Silmirien has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Lextal has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Bluekings has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Syindal has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Rhaégár has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Shaólan has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Steveaddict has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Paintbrush has left The Mob (~6 years ago)