Level 25 Alliance Guild, Terokkar. 460 members
Knifesinger has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Hotwings has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Noxius has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Seriannaa has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Samaritan has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Livinglife has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Kía has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Flocki has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Evilmorgy has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Backstâbb has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Vespirah has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Boomette has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Sariaoiche has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Kurumu has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Arcoyl has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Miracool has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Kienna has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Dewes has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Thismeanswar has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Volky has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Bélls has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Postiga has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Flimsyspear has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Bró has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Worgmonger has left The Mob (~6 years ago)