Level 25 Alliance Guild, Terokkar. 460 members
Naómi has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Asì has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Takada has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Sturgis has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Elendrar has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Wolfera has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Alvion has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Kadí has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Siddhartha has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Overkill has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Huntjoa has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Midruid has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Newmoonrises has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Benzemaa has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Pacó has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Hèrcules has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Zedaí has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Artház has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Lethanor has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Snarfì has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Absiladin has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Samdasmall has left The Mob (~6 years ago)
Nuckchorriz has left The Mob (~6 years ago)