Level 25 Alliance Guild, Turalyon. 208 members
Ilear has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Alanie has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Anaifa has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Cleenex has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Bulkheadsbbf has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Kungfubeard has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Hiddentwat has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Daddydoter has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Defiantpala has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Hassanchop has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Plaguespread has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Gräddbulle has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Hakumbae has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Ronnóc has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Shutka has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Gits has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Blâdé has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Bobbyns has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Daddydruid has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Tauriell has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Daddydin has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Ramurel has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Melcor has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Draguz has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)
Kasu has joined justified and ancient (~8 years ago)