Level 25 Alliance Guild, Turalyon. 208 members
Aslarnnia has left justified and ancient (~5 years ago)
Casiopeea has left justified and ancient (~5 years ago)
Partizanka has left justified and ancient (~6 years ago)
Keylith has left justified and ancient (~6 years ago)
Alanie has left justified and ancient (~6 years ago)
Kiren has left justified and ancient (~6 years ago)
Ashayen has left justified and ancient (~6 years ago)
Williewilson has left justified and ancient (~6 years ago)
Holydeathdk has left justified and ancient (~6 years ago)
Littlepest has left justified and ancient (~6 years ago)
Shífthappëns has left justified and ancient (~6 years ago)
Bloodcraft has left justified and ancient (~6 years ago)
Paladainia has left justified and ancient (~7 years ago)
Elumine has left justified and ancient (~7 years ago)
Jozefnl has left justified and ancient (~7 years ago)
Jurianie has left justified and ancient (~7 years ago)
Timmymagic has left justified and ancient (~7 years ago)
Abura has left justified and ancient (~7 years ago)
Girdan has left justified and ancient (~7 years ago)
Allhailbaldi has left justified and ancient (~7 years ago)
Hanika has left justified and ancient (~7 years ago)
Dwarfega has left justified and ancient (~7 years ago)
Seager has left justified and ancient (~7 years ago)
Thaldan has left justified and ancient (~7 years ago)
Rarandir has left justified and ancient (~7 years ago)