Last updated 8 years ago.

Los Chotapinos

achievements 2180

Level 25 Horde Guild, Zul'jin. 303 members

Yoleveo has left Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Vespasiano has left Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Farsword has left Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Radgost has left Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Earl has left Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Frooylander has left Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Addams has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 9 (~8 years ago)

Toropelao has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Thassa has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Maxiturbo has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Taruok has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Camperah has been demoted from rank 3 to rank 4 (~8 years ago)

Lorckond has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Johanson has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Charchil has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Lokhul has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Richärd has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Peppapigg has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Kalazann has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Washingthon has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Ænergy has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Linconl has been demoted from rank 3 to rank 4 (~8 years ago)

Psychopata has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Lisannah has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)

Zeréf has joined Los Chotapinos (~8 years ago)