Level 25 Alliance Guild, Darkspear. 634 members
Hotncold has joined Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Scottishjarl has joined Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Tenshichan has joined Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Eowynn has joined Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
ßæla has joined Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Kaidelo has joined Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Edgemasters has joined Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Hathem has left Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Custius has left Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Sloppytots has left Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Sliprage has left Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Mahfuher has joined Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Adrel has joined Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Ardenarrus has left Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Bieltan has joined Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Juevoo has left Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Æquinnox has left Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Vaportwist has left Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Skurvu has left Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Sihn has left Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Sliprage has joined Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Sapdatbutt has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 3 (~6 years ago)
Traumatiqe has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 5 (~6 years ago)
Dêmigød has joined Bajheeras Army (~6 years ago)
Slyiderr has been promoted from rank 7 to rank 4 (~6 years ago)