Last updated 8 years ago.

The Unholy Legion

achievements 2615

Level 25 Horde Guild, Dragonmaw. 519 members

Sootfield obtained Fragment of Val'anyr. 8 years ago
Roshni obtained Solium Band of Mending. 8 years ago
Vikus purchased item Empowered Apexis Fragment. 8 years ago
Alarang obtained Bracers of Spare Skin. 8 years ago
Roshni earned the achievement Level 100 for 10 points. 8 years ago
Felinepriest obtained Empowered Apexis Fragment. 8 years ago
Gnomeganker obtained Zom's Rain-Stained Cloak. 8 years ago
Nikolk obtained Nether Blast Leggings. 8 years ago

Guild Master