Level 25 Alliance Guild, Emerald Dream. 176 members
Obliviöus has left Dissociation (~5 years ago)
Quesadillá has left Dissociation (~6 years ago)
Kq has left Dissociation (~6 years ago)
Deathravynn has left Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Kq has joined Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Rosärius has joined Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Foxyshox has left Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Shadowravynn has left Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Kurtznburger has left Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Felravynn has left Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Dethelocke has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~7 years ago)
Dertyclern has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 5 (~7 years ago)
Ascendis has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 5 (~7 years ago)
Durkajihad has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 5 (~7 years ago)
Aalarian has joined Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Cindarane has joined Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Sérénîty has joined Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Lightedge has joined Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Toneses has joined Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Moomark has joined Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Voidduss has joined Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Assassduss has joined Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Rjm has joined Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Clairecares has joined Dissociation (~7 years ago)
Hatecampaign has joined Dissociation (~7 years ago)