Level 25 Alliance Guild, Garona. 784 members
Ă˜verdose has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Nerdcore has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Flickmybick has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Eviscerix has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Polkapirate has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Galiania has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Darkrage has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Sogalo has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Varedis has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Anagram has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Flemington has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Roflpwnd has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Lumenary has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Sinx has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Lumea has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Andrighan has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Helney has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Solyn has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Doviello has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Permatrip has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Bladehowl has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Dhobren has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Mythlore has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Wizcalif has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Tobrin has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)