Last updated 6 years ago.

The Empire

achievements 2745

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Garona. 784 members

Robotunicorn has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Furyofblast has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

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Mageerific has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Poodlesnorff has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Peedlepie has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Teacuppig has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

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Banirrim has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Talashar has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

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Sentience has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Captivate has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

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Waitqt has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Nemashamadoo has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Corean has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Kimaera has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Wedgiex has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Kitsym has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Allorayne has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Sofakingxl has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)