Level 25 Horde Guild, Goldrinn. 22 members
Gohtmög has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Khytanna has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Lílyty has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Mandavh has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Shadaris has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Brutt has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Möbscene has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Headhunt has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Jecht has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Xandk has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Irmintosh has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Minustar has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Gussttavo has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Gemüt has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Xalamaleiko has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Felicïty has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Norto has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Prismatauren has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Monayra has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Soltitude has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Llucretia has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Lolhealz has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Patadeouro has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Quinci has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Valterus has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)