Level 25 Alliance Guild, Kel'Thuzad. 683 members
Thirtenthson has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Dædric has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Nightembrace has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Sanbren has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Qtpidtflolxo has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Selasti has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Incantåtion has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Arthistory has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Acidro has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Archulas has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Døuchelee has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Särleck has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Hornery has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Boomspimp has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Potterini has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Phantasmara has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Lilmatter has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Spirittus has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Xanub has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Irhald has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Unstableone has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Fourus has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Iisten has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Faymyst has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Thelyse has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)