Level 25 Alliance Guild, Kel'Thuzad. 683 members
Pollaseed has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Yungwag has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Orcggasm has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Kelog has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Blackfire has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Tuan has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Oskmagi has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Abnarh has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Paladent has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Velocitation has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Morrigän has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Unhòlyslayer has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Wyler has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Lezlopez has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Göel has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Aironin has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Tryptamine has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Rngmarmalade has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Opcaz has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Hinaruta has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Bobbyz has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Daddyhunglow has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Shardstorm has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Ellendria has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)
Peazy has joined The Fifth Regiment (~8 years ago)