Level 25 Alliance Guild, Madoran. 40 members
Artyrian has joined Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Claytagais has joined Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Adihild has joined Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Kode has joined Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Felbobos has been demoted from rank 1 to rank 3 (~5 years ago)
Hunter6F387D has left Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Hunterius has joined Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Loveydovey has joined Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Mythicbobos has left Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Beeboop has left Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Greengear has joined Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Bighelper has joined Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Lilfireball has joined Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Boderk has left Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Dodos has left Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Ilovebobos has joined Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Zelica has joined Bombastic Audacity (~5 years ago)
Beeboop has joined Bombastic Audacity (~6 years ago)
Boderk has joined Bombastic Audacity (~6 years ago)
Jellibean has joined Bombastic Audacity (~6 years ago)
Giovannae has left Bombastic Audacity (~6 years ago)
Felbobos has been promoted from rank 2 to rank 1 (~6 years ago)
Manofsouls has left Bombastic Audacity (~6 years ago)
Emalyth has left Bombastic Audacity (~7 years ago)
Kaellei has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 2 (~7 years ago)