Last updated 6 years ago.

Nexus Terror

achievements 610

Level 25 Horde Guild, Saurfang. 183 members

Noxioss obtained Silken Bloodscent Gloves. 6 years ago
Noxioss obtained Vilefiend Fang. 6 years ago
Shimerz obtained Reactive Intuition. 6 years ago
Shimerz obtained Demonic Combatant's Silk Cowl. 6 years ago
Incharge obtained Treads of Fates Entwined. 6 years ago
Reka obtained Demonic Gladiator's Pendant. 6 years ago
Krunar earned the achievement Level 60 for 10 points. 6 years ago
Reka obtained Demonic Combatant's Leather Belt. 6 years ago

Guild Master