Level 25 Alliance Guild, Saurfang. 474 members
Geniveive has left The Ashen Vanguard (~4 years ago)
Thaloris has left The Ashen Vanguard (~4 years ago)
Amoonalore has left The Ashen Vanguard (~4 years ago)
Lucrinn has left The Ashen Vanguard (~4 years ago)
Vandalaria has left The Ashen Vanguard (~5 years ago)
Skulldent has left The Ashen Vanguard (~5 years ago)
Sharish has left The Ashen Vanguard (~5 years ago)
Moresby has left The Ashen Vanguard (~5 years ago)
Fogone has left The Ashen Vanguard (~6 years ago)
Contester has left The Ashen Vanguard (~6 years ago)
Scorpina has left The Ashen Vanguard (~6 years ago)
Tyrandia has left The Ashen Vanguard (~6 years ago)
Erisallia has left The Ashen Vanguard (~6 years ago)
Arthea has left The Ashen Vanguard (~6 years ago)
Harya has left The Ashen Vanguard (~6 years ago)
Cervus has left The Ashen Vanguard (~6 years ago)
Ayaveena has left The Ashen Vanguard (~6 years ago)
Jaxistarnn has left The Ashen Vanguard (~6 years ago)
Ladarian has left The Ashen Vanguard (~6 years ago)
Daiso has left The Ashen Vanguard (~6 years ago)
Brilnoff has left The Ashen Vanguard (~7 years ago)
Kylandraed has left The Ashen Vanguard (~7 years ago)
Manesa has left The Ashen Vanguard (~7 years ago)
Icianaan has left The Ashen Vanguard (~7 years ago)
Buffmebaby has left The Ashen Vanguard (~7 years ago)