Level 25 Alliance Guild, Saurfang. 474 members
Contester has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Narcisus has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Pandesai has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~9 years ago)
Apb has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Arcstar has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~9 years ago)
Thundorin has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Geliance has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Deathbylight has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Weraari has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~9 years ago)
Yíxíng has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Gnomemasters has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Jabes has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Kinsani has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 6 (~9 years ago)
Berryoffrost has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~9 years ago)
Brastan has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Yermadbragh has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Moggradin has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Kelorblor has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Raechle has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Cacciare has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Stabmcstabby has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Dudian has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Ellud has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~9 years ago)
Aevivra has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~9 years ago)
Stral has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)