Level 25 Alliance Guild, Saurfang. 474 members
Mekagojira has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Graciusbudha has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Demspellz has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Iprandomly has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Alipally has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Hailmarshy has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Rhastaman has been promoted from rank 6 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Aperture has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Cantseethis has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Jeebuz has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Minimidgetxs has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Worgenléfay has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Deralus has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Allykiller has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Nometra has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Ghalleny has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Imbignoob has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Gonghan has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Caidraic has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Lunanz has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Progeriac has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Sweedorigin has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Bringthefire has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)
Megabara has been promoted from rank 5 to rank 2 (~9 years ago)
Eximis has joined The Ashen Vanguard (~9 years ago)