Last updated 4 years ago.

Under The Southern Cross

achievements 2675

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Saurfang. 391 members

Nickitriage has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Maxdps has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Toyger has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Bloodtigerr has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Cattpaw has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Lanreth has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Onemoredot has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Blightowl has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Theaprobe has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Catthepally has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Mnemiopsis has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Ggmýstër has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Machann has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~4 years ago)

Syncrecia has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Ggmÿstér has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Serthas has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Insi has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Mazrim has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~4 years ago)

Alenrel has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Karevela has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 7 (~4 years ago)

Bellasha has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Rifty has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Blightkrau has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Valkø has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)

Galactica has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~4 years ago)