Level 25 Alliance Guild, Shadowsong. 698 members
Shänä has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Okumara has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Käênbyou has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Parasy has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Alsbeth has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Fx has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Buffnstuff has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Kapula has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Balmung has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Hordestalkin has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Broll has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Arimiss has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Phoenixarrow has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Enderwiggin has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Spockmocks has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Shylonis has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Demontits has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Logiebear has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Zensawar has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Tewi has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Midneght has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Futalloa has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Palaidia has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Kungfuupanda has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Stormstout has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)