Level 25 Alliance Guild, Shadowsong. 698 members
Leeva has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Bruiseli has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Fivebars has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Sifukiv has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Haleybeary has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Allypsi has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Gotimanchu has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Soonim has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Ă‘axxramas has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Gotideath has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Streex has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Masmyoffice has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Belleanna has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Exfaktor has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Goti has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Gotidru has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Bullseie has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Dominuslucis has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Gotipal has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Allypso has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Allypsa has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Gotishamu has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Paradahn has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Julienn has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)
Qajaq has left The World Needs a Hero (~6 years ago)