Level 25 Alliance Guild, Shu'halo. 844 members
Istarelle has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Garygotnoleg has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Surshot has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Soothe has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Oakensunder has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Júûl has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Shieldspam has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Rustyscrew has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Shickamura has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Hellsnicker has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Rodundra has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Tovenaar has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Eldarko has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Lilmemes has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Gorogue has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Netie has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Oneofthose has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Thiccdruid has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Puggods has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Deedeexo has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Fartsniff has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Haloz has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)
Dicwhissle has joined The Derps (~4 years ago)