Level 25 Alliance Guild, Stormrage. 9 members
Ruinxd has left Owners (~4 years ago)
Killarsz has been promoted from rank 2 to rank 0 (~5 years ago)
Driney has been demoted from rank 0 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Brewmanfuu has left Owners (~5 years ago)
Dolphinrider has left Owners (~5 years ago)
Speedsr has been demoted from rank 0 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)
Driney has been promoted from rank 2 to rank 0 (~5 years ago)
Handsupblack has left Owners (~5 years ago)
Gaze has left Owners (~6 years ago)
Satchadh has left Owners (~6 years ago)
Eyesee has left Owners (~6 years ago)
Potatocrushd has left Owners (~6 years ago)
Maximumw has left Owners (~6 years ago)
Frostco has left Owners (~6 years ago)
Kíngflysp has left Owners (~6 years ago)
Triggaa has left Owners (~6 years ago)
Vivyez has left Owners (~6 years ago)
Vapourz has left Owners (~6 years ago)
Lipp has left Owners (~6 years ago)
Folkwarx has left Owners (~6 years ago)
Furi has left Owners (~6 years ago)
Speedb has left Owners (~6 years ago)
Vayduhz has left Owners (~6 years ago)
Speedb has been demoted from rank 0 to rank 1 (~6 years ago)