Last updated 4 years ago.


achievements 1735

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Stormrage. 960 members

GideoƱ obtained Singe-Blotched Britches. 4 years ago
Djordin obtained Azsh'ari Stormsurger Cape. 4 years ago
Djordin obtained Benthic Cloak. 4 years ago
Dizzaye obtained Smartly Plumed Cap. 4 years ago
Wymone obtained Warhelm of Dread Waters. 4 years ago
Krothyus obtained Alliance Bowman's Coif. 4 years ago
Varannael earned the achievement Level 85 for 10 points. 4 years ago
Krothyus obtained 7th Legionnaire's Sabatons. 4 years ago
Smallfyre obtained 7th Legionnaire's Robes. 4 years ago

Guild Master