Level 25 Horde Guild, Terokkar. 150 members
Gobbi has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Deadslash has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Xyleager has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Ragtimeguy has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Cronyx has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Belfgõd has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Kiefbowls has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Landowar has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Aléksander has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Troldilocks has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Huntss has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Lokbox has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Korreena has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Evilmagic has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Maharet has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Psykobelf has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Rydan has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Bloodrush has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Karrlee has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Jrswomentwo has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Yumikoko has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Noctridiir has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Lirallyne has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Crazyranger has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Spòòky has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)