Level 25 Horde Guild, Terokkar. 150 members
Terrva has left Legends of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Deadslash has left Legends of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Graben has left Legends of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Axrimus has left Legends of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Yumikoko has left Legends of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Astos has left Legends of the Horde (~7 years ago)
Orrakk has left Legends of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Huntss has left Legends of the Horde (~8 years ago)
It has left Legends of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Expendable has left Legends of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Kanndee has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Voltrix has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Nincumpoop has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Plamfire has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Rookstonetoe has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Kanchoassasn has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Curuss has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Jjooney has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Gloryangel has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Distractor has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Metalgear has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Darkdeadheal has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Koogga has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Tolerance has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)
Marum has joined Legends of the Horde (~9 years ago)