Level 25 Horde Guild, Draenor. 57 members
Mortalkz has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Deathris has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Zåke has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Oupa has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Kharue has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Saritas has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Zephÿr has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Twinketta has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Ëxecratiön has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Xecütetioner has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Laouboo has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Fenxaiz has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Rhasja has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Wiggelsbro has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Melkeku has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Jásmine has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Fenxaiz has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Gruppa has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Versella has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Chodesteala has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Fidodildo has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Apochryphos has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Mechó has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Oddine has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)
Skylarr has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)