Last updated 8 years ago.

The Legion of Doom

achievements 865

Level 25 Horde Guild, Draenor. 57 members

Háwkéy has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Teleos has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Destructwave has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Brééd has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Áyame has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 3 (~9 years ago)

Sinrax has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Laouboo has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 (~9 years ago)

Vythax has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Vanidium has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Mínmax has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Warvax has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Gaó has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Ranoren has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Talanya has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Abomínatíon has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Redfever has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Yexxom has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Enzíme has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Redsworn has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Blizwar has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Stellavulpi has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Namirá has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Holycrâp has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Redjin has left The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)

Laouboo has joined The Legion of Doom (~9 years ago)